PLN IP utilises banknote waste in energy transition

Jakarta – PT PLN Indonesia Power (PLN IP) is introducing an innovation in
supporting the energy transition by utilising banknote waste as a substitute fuel for coal at the Bengkayang power plant, West Kalimantan.

President Director of PLN Indonesia Power, Edwin Nugraha Putra, revealed that utilising LRUK is an important step towards the net zero emission (NZE) target by 2060.

“We are always looking for breakthroughs to utilise biomass as steam-powered electricity plants (PLTU) fuel, such as utilising banknote waste, which was previously only destroyed by burning but is now useful as a substitute for coal,” Edwin said in a written statement on Wednesday, June 19.

Before implementing PLTU Bengkayang, the cofiring program with banknote waste had been successfully carried out at PLTU Adipala, Cilacap, Central Java. This effort demonstrates PLN IP’s commitment to reducing carbon emissions and promoting green energy.

This collaboration involved Bank Indonesia West Kalimantan Province, which was important in providing the banknote waste. The signing of a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) between PLN IP Singkawang branch and the Representative Office of Bank Indonesia of West Kalimantan Province became the legal basis for this project.

“The utilisation of banknote waste as an environmentally friendly energy source and at the same time overcoming the problem of banknote waste has become one of the answers to the need for renewable energy and the spirit of zero waste,” concluded the Singkawang Unit Manager, Slamet Muji Raharjo. (Hartatik)

Banner photo: Bengkayang power plant in West Kalimantan. (Source: PLN IP)

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