Jakarta – PT PLN (Persero) is building a 70 MW wind power plant in Tanah Laut, South Kalimantan. In the project, PLN is collaborating with Total Eren SA, PT Adaro Power and PT Pembangkitan Jawa Bali Investasi (PJBI).
This cooperation was marked by the signing of the Power Purchase Agreement (PJBTL) between PLN President Director Darmawan Prasodjo and Managing Director-Indonesia & CFO APAC Total Eren Romain Pierru, Adaro Power President Director Dharma Djojonegoro, Adaro Power Director Mustiko Bawono, and PJBI President Director Amir Faisal in Jakarta.
PLN President Director Darmawan Prasodjo said, this new and renewable energy (NRE) plant is the first wind farm in Indonesia equipped with battery energy storage system (BESS) technology of 10 MWh in Tanah Laut, South Kalimantan.
“This PLTB project is an innovation made by PLN Group and partners in overcoming the intermittency of EBT plants. This project is expected to be a reference for other NRE projects in the future,” Prasodjo said in an official statement.
Furthermore, he said, in accordance with the government’s direction, that PLN continues to collaborate in encouraging the net zero emission target by 2060. Therefore, the considerable wind potential in the Tanah Laut area, South Kalimantan will be maximized with the construction of this 70 MW PLTB.
“Equipped with the latest technology, the 10 MWh Battery Energy Storage System, this wind power plant is expected to strengthen electricity supply in the Kalimantan interconnection system and increase the utilization of wind energy potential in Indonesia which reaches 155 Gigawatts (GW),” said Prasodjo.
He also said that the Tanah Laut Wind Power Plant can start generating electricity in 2025 while supporting the government’s program in achieving the renewable energy mix target in Indonesia.
In the first year of operation, Tanah Laut Wind Farm is expected to produce 158 GWh of electrical energy and increase to 196 GWh in the second year and beyond. The use of new and renewable energy will also contribute to reducing the amount of CO2e emissions by 220,000 tons per year.
Meanwhile, President Director of PT Adaro Power Dharma Djojonegoro said that this project is a form of Adaro’s seriousness in developing NRE in the country. He acknowledged that the development of this PLTB project is in line with the government’s direction to encourage energy transition in Indonesia.
“The signing of this PJBTL is a valuable moment for Adaro. Not only because this project is the first IPP PLTB project that we will build, but also as a form of Adaro’s seriousness to continue developing various reliable and affordable renewable energy sources. This is in line with the government’s hope to ensure that the energy transition in Indonesia can produce affordable energy for all people,” Djojonegoro said.
The construction phase of Tanah Laut Wind Farm is targeted to begin in early 2024 and is expected to reach Commercial Operation Date (COD) in 2025. Once operational, the wind farm is expected to strengthen electricity supply in the Kalimantan interconnection system and increase the renewable energy mix in Indonesia.
Previously, the development of the Tanah Laut Wind Farm project had gone through a competitive tender process, in which PLN appointed the Total Eren and Adaro Power Consortium as the tender winner and signed a Letter of Intent (LoI) on November 15, 2022 in conjunction with the G20 Summit in Bali.
In order to increase the company’s portfolio, especially in the field of renewable energy, PLN has assigned PJBI through PT PLN Nusantara Power as a subsidiary of PLN in the field of electrical energy generation to be involved in the development of the 70 MW Tanah Laut Wind Farm.
PLN together with Total Eren, Adaro Power and PJBI realize that the partnership of various parties from within and outside the country is needed to realize Indonesia’s commitment to achieve the expected energy mix target through accelerating the clean energy transition. (Hartatik)