Jakarta—The Institute for Essential Services Reform (IESR) encourages the Indonesian government to ensure that the Second Nationally Determined Contribution (SNDC) document reflects ambitious targets. In this context, IESR highlights the need to emphasise equity and good governance in the SNDC drafting process.
Although the government has adopted a new approach in the SNDC by no longer using the baseline growth scenario (business as usual) as the basis for setting emission reduction targets, IESR emphasises the need for more than just changing the calculation method. According to them, the SNDC must be aligned with the Paris Agreement targets and consider the large gap in global emission reduction targets.
“Indonesia’s SNDC should reflect the highest possible ambition in emissions reduction. The findings of the first Global Inventory at COP 28 show that there is still a large gap in global emission reduction targets, and this should be a serious consideration in setting targets for Indonesia,” said Fabby Tumiwa, Executive Director of IESR in a written statement, Friday, April 26.
IESR also underlined the importance of increasing the renewable energy mix as one of the mitigation actions that can increase the emission reduction target in the SNDC. However, they expressed concern over the renewable energy mix target set out in the Draft Government Regulation (RPP) of the National Energy Policy (KEN), which they believe falls short of the necessary ambition.
“The SNDC document should consider higher emission reduction targets, especially in the energy sector. The energy sector, especially the electricity sector, has great potential to increase Indonesia’s emission mitigation ambitions through renewable energy,” explained Deon Arinaldo, Energy Transformation Program Manager, IESR.
In addition, IESR highlighted the need for fairness and transparency in the SNDC drafting process. They emphasised the importance of incorporating good practices, relevance to national circumstances, and the involvement of domestic institutions and public participation in the document.
“The emphasis on equity and good governance will ensure that the SNDC not only reflects high ambition in emission reduction but also takes into account the needs and interests of all relevant parties,” added Delima Ramadhani, IESR Climate Policy Coordinator. (Hartatik)